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interaktiven Leitfaden

Willkommen auf der Gorilla-Plattform

Workflows sind der Motor einer Gorilla-Anwendung. Sie enthalten alle Daten und Formeln, die die von dir benötigten Ergebnisse liefern. In diesem interaktiven Leitfaden führen wir dich durch ein Workflow-Beispiel zur Berechnung der Kosten eines Tarifs.


CRM Integrations: Why Gorilla is Your Risk-Free Revenue Accelerator

Unite customer insights with operational excellence. Turbocharge agility by transforming data into actionable strategies. From enhancing customer experiences to driving faster, better decisions, the Gorilla platform is designed to enable faster innovation and growth.

the cover of the Gorilla flipbook on CRM integrations

Gorilla & Salesforce: Die kombinierte Lösung für flexibelere Preismodelle und effizientere Angebotserstellung.

Salesforce und Gorilla unterstützen Einzelhandelsunternehmen mit KI-gesteuerten Kundenlösungen und fortschrittlichen Preisgestaltungsfunktionen, um den Betrieb zu verändern, Beziehungen zu personalisieren und den Übergang zu einer digitalen, kohlenstofffreien Zukunft zu beschleunigen.


Cloud Migration for Energy Retailers

As energy retailers embark on a decade of change, this interactive guide reveals the catalysts driving data-first decision making in the cloud, with insight from Gorilla VP of Product and Engineering, Joris Van Genechten.

the cover of Gorilla flipbook on could migration

MHHS De-mystified: Transforming Energy Settlement and Pricing in the Great British Market

Read our interactive guide to uncover hidden MHHS challenges. Gorilla energy experts reveal the opportunities for MHHS that can allow retailers to adapt for more sophisticated pricing and forecasting capabilities.

a cover of our flipbook on MHHS featuring a skyline with a radiant mint neon overlay

Build vs Buy: which is the right path to take?

To scale operations and stay compliant, energy suppliers need reliable data solutions. The Build vs Buy checklist guides businesses in balancing control and efficiency for long-term growth.

cover of the Build vs Buy flipbook