In the dynamic UK utility market, Centrica Business Solutions faced fierce competition from risk-taking new entrants. To win clients and stay competitive, they recognized the need to offer new and innovative products in a faster way.
“We have to stay competitive with new market entrants. That’s why we are currently working on differentiating our product portfolio to allow for a range of products with a different risk divide. At the same time, we increase our efficiency by automating part of the currently manual process of getting bespoke quotes out.”
Ralph Smith - Pricing Manager I&C - Centrica Business Solutions
However, their rigid pricing system hindered their ability to promptly deliver solutions tailored to the customer's needs:
- The quoting process required extensive manual interactions between pricing and sales teams, slowing down the quote to lead time.
- The existing pricing system lacked flexibility, making it difficult to create new products and handle pricing with the desired level of granularity.
- The IT system didn’t allow customisation of products, making the pricing team slow to react to market changes.
Centrica Business Solutions needed a solution to adapt swiftly to market changes and streamline their quoting process.
Gorilla’s solution, in collaboration with Salesforce E&U, transformed Centrica's pricing and quoting capabilities:
- Speed - Implementing Gorilla reduced the quote lead time from 3 days to 3 minutes
- Product Innovation - Configuration and testing of any product can now be done by Pricing Experts themselves.
- Operational Efficiency - Fully automated process leading to a 50% reduction in Sales Operation Staff
- Autonomy - Creation of bespoke quotes by Sales Teams on their own in Salesforce