Nuestros Recursos

Gorilla Wins Startup of the Year at Flanders International Business Awards 2024
Gorilla is honoured to be named Startup of the Year at the prestigious Flanders International Business Awards 2024

Perspectivas del mercado
Why Energy Data is Confusing And How To Fix It
Data can be a catalyst for innovation in energy retailers. Instead, it’s often a confusing headache impeding accurate energy forecasting and growth
Gorilla to drive lasting DEI change in the tech industry with DLiT
Gorilla are pleased to announce our partnership with Diverse Leaders in Tech, which will power a structured, data-led approach to DEI to ensure measurable impact across our organisation and the wider industry.

Gorilla Recognised as Global Energy Transition Champion
Gorilla Awarded 'Most Sustainable Company 2024 for Climate & Energy (SME)'

Perspectivas del mercado
Data and Net Zero: Part 2
Gorilla's platform represents a pivotal solution in the energy industry's journey towards net zero emissions. By providing pricing and forecasting tools, the platform addresses critical challenges in renewable energy adoption and load balancing.

Perspectivas del mercado
Pricing 101 - Part 5
Parts 1-4 of this series examined everything about electricity pricing, but what about gas? In this part, we'll take a look at the intricacies that determine how gas is priced and sold by retailers.

Perspectivas del mercado
In-house of horrors: Why energy retailers are turning away from self-builds
There’s always the temptation to build large software projects, like pricing and forecasting solutions, in-house, but the reality rarely lives up to the dream. Project issues are plentiful and retailers face siloed teams and expertise, extensive maintenance, and greater TCO. There’s a reason energy retailers globally are turning to Gorilla.

Perspectivas del mercado
Pricing 101 - Part 4
In this fourth instalment of our series, we'll examine the biggest influence on energy price: the wholesale cost. How can retailers navigate the volatile energy market, balancing customer needs with financial stability?

Perspectivas del mercado
Pricing 101 - Part 3
Part 3 of the Pricing 101 series examines pricing for industrial and commercial customers, discussing the additional complexity compared to residential pricing and the challenges that this brings to energy retailers.

Gorilla recauda 23 millones de euros en una ronda de financiación de serie B liderada por Headline
La financiación garantizará el crecimiento continuado de la empresa, que pretende introducirse en mercados clave de EE.UU. y Alemania para proveer a las comercializadoras energéticas de las herramientas que necesitan para gestionar sus retos en materia de datos.

Perspectivas del mercado
¿Se infrautilizan las centrales eléctricas virtuales en EE.UU y el Reino Unido?
Las centrales eléctricas virtuales pueden ser una herramienta importante en la transición del sector energético hacia la energía neta cero, ya que aportan mayor resistencia a la red y abren nuevas oportunidades para las comercializadoras y los consumidores. Sin embargo, su difusión mundial ha sido desigual, con algunos países a la cabeza. ¿Hay margen para más inversiones?

Perspectivas del mercado
Understanding Proposals from the UK’s Review of Electricity Markets second consultation
The UK completed its second consultation on electricity markets, highlighting 4 key challenges that need to be addressed. We’ll take a look at each challenge, the policy proposals, and how they may affect energy retailers

Perspectivas del mercado
Estrategia de datos empresariales e IA: lecciones y conocimientos para las comercializadoras de energía
Todas las industrias enfrentan preguntas sobre cómo incorporarán la inteligencia artificial en su estrategia más amplia. Las comercializadoras de energía que ya están lidiando con una explosión de datos disponibles ahora se verán presionados por la demanda de IA. ¿Cómo será su estrategia de datos empresariales en el futuro?

Casos de éxito de clientes
Gas South: cómo Gorilla contribuyó a un pricing a escala
La compañía de gas natural con sede en EE.UU eligió Gorilla como su nueva solución para precios comerciales e industriales, lo que les permitió incorporar rápidamente una nueva adquisición y ofrecer tiempos de cotización mucho más rápidos a los clientes de C & I.

United Gas and Power chooses Gorilla to support their Digital Transformation
Gorilla is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with United Gas & Power (UGP), a dynamic, independent B2B energy supplier operating in the UK.

Gorilla and CG Infinity sign strategic partnership agreement
Gorilla and CG Infinity Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement to Deliver Comprehensive Solutions for Energy Retailers in the United States.

Casos de éxito de clientes
Centrica Business Solutions increases competitiveness with Gorilla
Discover how Centrica Business Solutions boosts its competitiveness by using Gorilla's bespoke pricing solution

Perspectivas del mercado
Unlocking the Power of Granular Data with MHHS: A New Era for Energy Retailers
We will unveil how MHHS, combined with Gorilla's expertise, will revolutionize the way energy retailers operate and interact with their domestic customers.

Gorilla nominated for Deloitte’s 2023 Fast 50
We are thrilled to be nominated for Deloitte’s 2023 Technology Fast 50 competition for technology companies headquartered and founded in Belgium.

Drax Energy Solutions chooses Gorilla as pricing and forecasting partner
Drax Energy Solutions partners with Gorilla for cutting-edge pricing and forecasting solutions, confirming their commitment to a sustainable, zero-carbon future!

Perspectivas del mercado
The MHHS and its impact. How to prepare for the incoming tsunami of energy data.
The roll-out of MHHS will cause a data tsunami, impacting retailers and consumers. Discover how you should respond to these incoming changes.

Gas South chooses Gorilla as pricing solution partner.
Discover how Gas South, a leading Natural Gas provider, is teaming up with Gorilla to revolutionize pricing strategies and insights in the evolving energy market.

Strategic collaboration between Gorilla & Luminus
Luminus has chosen Gorilla as its partner to revolutionise its customer offerings and streamline its pricing strategies.

Gorilla Launches New Integration with MuleSoft
Gorilla’s new MuleSoft Certified Connector on the Anypoint Exchange helps companies create seamless digital experiences, faster

Gorilla collects 6 million euros to accelerate energy transition
Gorilla, the Belgian scale-up that enables energy companies to gather and process critical data, has collected 6 million euros during a Series A capital round.

Gorilla y Yü Energy anuncian su asociación
Nos enorgullece anunciar nuestra asociación con Yü Energy, con la que trabajamos en una serie de soluciones para el pricing y el forecasting de electricidad y gas.

Gorilla and ScottishPower announce partnership
We are happy to announce our partnership with ScottishPower – the first integrated energy company in the UK to generate 100% green electricity.

Perspectivas del mercado
Challenges on the residential energy market
The consumer energy market is changing into a customer-led environment, where suppliers have to be flexible and responsive but are limited by legacy IT systems

Gorilla y Cloobees anuncian una asociación estratégica
Esta asociación estratégica ayudará a nuestros clientes actuales y potenciales a implantar una solución integrada y altamente flexible de la forma más eficaz posible.

Perspectivas del mercado
How to revolutionise your EV tariffs?
Build a roadmap that allows dynamic adaptive pricing to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving energy market

Gorilla is ISO/IEC27001-2013 certified
Gorilla meets the highest international standards in security and reliability and obtains ISO certification.

Perspectivas del mercado
Gorilla’s Meter Data Hub, the MDMS of the future
A powerful combination of CGI’s DCC Adapter and Gorilla’s Meter Data Hub results in a straightforward, future-proof MDM system fit for utilities in 2021.

Gorilla anuncia su asociación con CGI
El profundo conocimiento del sector de CGI combinado con nuestra tecnología disruptiva nos da el poder de permitir la transformación digital de la mejor manera posible

Gorilla anuncia su asociación con Wipro
Gorilla se complace en anunciar su asociación estratégica con Wipro Limited

Perspectivas del mercado
Three stages to increased utility market share
Winners and losers of the innovation race: three stages to increase utility market share

Winners and losers of the innovation race: interview by Joris van Genechten at Future of Utilities 2020

Perspectivas del mercado
How OKRs pushed us above and beyond with Gorilla
We used objectives and key results to reduce time in Gorilla UI with 75% and make calculations five times faster.

Perspectivas del mercado
The future of utility retail enterprise architecture
The enterprise architect in a utility retailer is increasingly becoming involved in technology strategy to drive innovation and find a competitive advantage.

Perspectivas del mercado
How to react to changing Australian market conditions
The key to success lies with an energy retailer’s ability to cope with rapidly changing market conditions.

Perspectivas del mercado
5 pasos hacia el éxito en un sistema liquidado cada media hora.
Ofgem pretende introducir una liquidación cada media hora en todo el mercado para 2025. Más información sobre cómo esto podría ser una bendición para los proveedores de energía.

Vlocity y Gorilla ya son oficialmente socios
Gorilla y Vlocity unen fuerzas para resolver las necesidades de almacenamiento, procesamiento y forecasting de datos de consumo de las comercializadoras de servicios públicos B2B

Perspectivas del mercado
A data hub is the missing link in your data strategy
As data is growing to be a substantial part of your business, creating the right storage strategy is crucial

Perspectivas del mercado
Do B2B utilities need to boost their CPQ engines?
Find out how CPQ systems can enable your sales team to reduce their quote-to-cash times through the configuration process.

Obtención del estado de socio tecnológico de AWS
Gorilla y AWS van de la mano para resolver las necesidades de almacenamiento, procesamiento y forecasting de datos de consumo de las comercializadoras de servicios públicos B2B

Perspectivas del mercado
Is data a differentiator or a struggle for your company?
Digital technology is changing rapidly, but the enterprise IT landscape has long been spared by significant disruption.